My 5 yr old cousin Abby thinks she needs to carry Tyler everywhere.Tyson's ready to get the party started!Tyler was not happy in the pool unless Abby was holding him. It couldn't be uncle Tim or anyone else, it had to be Abby.
And now for the gifts! I made her a frame with a sparkly M in the middle.And a hair bow box. With hair bows! It was my first time ever making a hair bow. I was pretty happy with the way they turned out.
And here's the cute model!I made a box for my mom to give her gifts in.She bought these two cute outfits, which I took to my friend and got monogramed! Adorable!During the after party, Tyson was doing belly flops,and Abby was doing pencil drops.Someone left a pair of pink goggles which Tyson took ownership of. It worked out great for him since pink is his favorite color. A few weeks ago, I asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted to have and he said pink! Oh, well!After Tyler had two baths, we finally left! He gave the birthday girl a sweet kiss goodbye. She was in her new jammies that my mom bought for her. My sister bought her the cutest bathing suit with a matching cover up and I'm so sorry I don't have a picture of it!And he couldn't leave his fave out! Abby!And this is what we got from Tyson. Nice!