These are actual events from my life. Please feel free to laugh or cry, I do!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Here are the pics from our wonderful Disney trip last month. We had a lot of fun and would love to go back in Feb. for Derek's and mom's birthdays. Don't forget that Disney is letting you in FREE this year for your birthday! Tyler got his 1st haircut while we were there. It went so smoothly! And he looked so much like a little boy afterward instead of a baby! He was so cute! Tyson's favorite thing at Disney was the Pooh Bear ride. Abby loved the rollercoasters, the Tea Cups, and race cars. She's a thrill seaker! Tyson gave them all a try, but it didn't go well! He's a little timid! Tyler was just happy that his Aunt Kristyn was willing to hold him the whole time.

I have sooo much catching up to do on the blog! But I'm going in order. And thank you to those of you who have kept on me to update! You know who you are, you pushy broads!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

More Swap Fun!!!

So, us bloggers did another swap. This one for winter. We didn't have to spell out winter, we just had to give wintery gifts! And boy did I get some good ones! I'm thrilled with ALL the gifts that were so graciously given to me! I do not know my giver, Windsor, but she did a great job! Here's a look at what I recieved.

She decided to spell out winter!

W - warmth of a candle - 2 really cute little votive holders with snowflakes cut out of them and 2 great smelling votives!

I - interesting reading - 2 magazines I will LOVE to look through!

N - nice warm socks - a pair of pink (my favorite color) striped, soft, sock slippers! Wonderful!!!

T - tea to soothe the soul - some yummy tea to sip on a cold day!

E - evening bubble bath to calm the day's worries - some great smelling bubble bath that I can't wait to use!

R - relaxing CD to listen to - Josh Groban's Noel, It came at the perfect time and we listened to it while we decorated the tree! I have already listened to this several times! Awesome!
Thank you so much Windsor! You were very thoughtful! I'm not sure you stuck to the budget though! I'm a lucky girl!!! And thank you Denise and Donna (and Caroline) for organizing the swap! Another great one!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

3's About Me!

My sister sent me this email and I thought I would post my answers. There's some cute pics of the boys at the end!

Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Sales person at Express, Limited, & Ann Taylor
2. Personal Trainer
3. Assistant @ South Biscayne Church before Derek & I started dating (We worked together!)

Three people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Mom
2. Kristyn
3. Summer

My favorite foods:
1. Custard pie (My dad's secret recipe)
2. The spinach, strawberry, kiwi, maccadamia nut salad my sister makes me for my birthday
3. Roast baked in the oven with carrots and potatoes (my mom makes this for me a lot)

Three places I've lived (since high school):
1. Lynchburg, VA
2. Raleigh, NC
3. Venice, FL

Three shows that I watch:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
2. Dora
3. Diego
My list used to read:
1. House
2. CSI
3. Reba

Three places I'd rather be right now:
1. Anyplace with Derek and Without my kids for a few days!
2. Is "sane" a place?
3. Shopping with my mom and sister With a whole bunch of money!

Things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Tyler being a more content baby
2. My anti-stress medication kicking in that I started last week
3. Christmas

Three things I dread having to do:
1. Cleaning the kitchen every day (my next house is going to be built without one)
2. Watch my Tyson grow up so fast
3. Digging something disgusting out of Tyler's mouth for the hundreth time

Three things I love to do:

1. Take beautiful pics of my kids

2. Make crafty things

3. Shop

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Digging for Gold!

***Caution...This post is not for the faint of heart or for those of you who get grossed out easily or even not so easily! Please do not look further if you don't want to be disturbed. If you are going to look, please keep this bible verse in mind. Judge not, lest yea be judged. Matt. 7:1***

Have you ever been to one of those places where you dig around in the sand looking for fossils or something?

Yes, this is how I found Tyler this afternoon. I always knew it would happen one day. I can't shut the laundry room door because then Hannah Lyn, my cat, won't be able to get in to use the litter box. I really do watch Tyler. I have tried to teach him not to go in there, but he is VERY hard-headed! God tricked us by giving us our submissive Tyson first. Then He threw us this little curve ball! I wouldn't trade him, but I would send him to daycare!

There are a few good things about this picture.
1. I just scooped the box last night and added clean litter.
2. There wasn't any poop in the box yet.
3. I don't think he ate much of it.
4. And last but definitely not least, My new anti-stress medicine works! Thank goodness it didn't happen last week before I started the medicine because it would have sent me over the edge for sure!

Friday, November 14, 2008

More Orlando Fun!

Tyson and Tyler got caught up on their reading while on vacation!

Well, we've been home since Sunday night, but I'm just getting time to blog about the rest of our trip. We had a great time overall! The resort we stayed at had a lot of activities that you could do it you wanted to. I decided to get my butt up and participate in a Power Nature Walk one morning. I was really excited about the prospect of exercising. The resort would have been a beautiful place to jog every day, but I didn't. There was puppet making for Tyson to do at the same time as my walk. So, Derek stayed at the clubhouse with the boys, while I walked. That is, after we found the right clubhouse. What a fiasco! We drove up to the main clubhouse, decided it wasn't there, turned around and went to the activity center, decided it wasn't there, turned around and went back up to the main one. Got both boys out, the double stroller, and went in. Nope, not there! We headed back out. Meanwhile, Derek accidentally hit the panic button on the keys. Our van was honking and he couldn't make it stop. We were already aggravated that we weren't at the right spot and then for the alarm to be going off too! It was just too much! I have said before, watching my family is like watching a Freak Show! So, we get in the van and drive back to the other clubhouse in hopes of finding the Power Walk & Puppets. We get the boys and the double stroller out again. It was the right place. There is only one other person that shows up for my Power Walk. Thank God it's a women because our guide was a man and I would not have been comfortable taking off with just him! So we start with some light stretching on the beach area and move into a light walk. The guide told us little facts about nature as we walked. And I stress the word little. Let me just say, What a waste of time! There was no Power in our walk! We never even got our heart rate up! It was a total let down! I should have jogged on my own! In fact, we should have all just stayed in bed! No, Tyson made a lovely paper bag puppet named Jimmy. And you have to say Jimmy with a rough voice and the y has to sound like a long a. Go ahead, try it!

When you are in Orlando, you have to walk Downtown Disney. We took our own cookies and drinks but still somehow managed to get sucked into buying $7 M&M's. WHAT?! I didn't know they were going to cost so much as I was filling a bag with all the fun colors! Tyson played with the Legos, ate his expensive M&M's, and tried on different hats. And I ALWAYS stop by the Witch's Brew candy store and get a caramel, chocolate, sugar, etc, etc, apple. There are soooo many to choose from! Yum!

There was a Luau one night at the resort. We decided to go check it out. Good music and great dancing! Hula girls and a dancing man with fire!

Abby, Kristyn, and my mom came up on Thursday night to go to Disney with us on Friday.
Abby read Tyson a bedtime story.

I'm too tired to start telling about our day at Disney. I'll post about that next week!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hello from Orlando

What a nice feeling, to be on vacation! Just sitting around and not having to be anywhere at any certain time! We started out yesterday heading the opposite direction though. We had to drive down to Punta Gorda to vote early before we headed up to Orlando. Since we were going to be down there anyway, I packed a lunch and we went to Gilcrest Park after voting. It was a beautiful day!

The trip up to Orlando went ok. We were ready to relax when we got here. The boys were wore out!

At breakfast this morning, Tyson read over the Disney brochure. He tried to show Tyler.

We loafed around the rest of the morning.

This afternoon we went down to one of the activities our resort offers for children. Tyson made a candy tube with that candy that looks like sand.
Then we walked around the resort. Tyson and Tyler played chess with dada.

Then we went to one of the playgrounds at the resort. The boys had fun!

They were both ready for a bath when we got back to our place. So we put them in our swimming pool! Yes that is a bathtub!

Derek and I are planning on ending our night by sitting in the huge bathtub with the jets on, watching Baby Mama and flipping back to see who's winning the election, while eating cookies and ice cream! What a life!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Week!

What a busy, but fun week! Well, most of it. We did have to take Tyler to the doctor to find out he has a sinus infection. Poor little guy! He was miserable most of the week. We took him on Monday and he started the antibiotic right away, but he wasn't feeling any better until Friday. He actually kept getting worse! They have both had colds for about 8 weeks! Tyson was crying and seemed to be in pain when he got up on Friday, Halloween, so I made an appointment for him that afternoon. That was really going to put a kink in our festivities! But after a morning nap, he was fine! I cancelled the appointment and we were off to see the wizard! They are both doing much better now, just in time for another vacation! We leave tomorrow for Orlando! If we can roll enough coins, we'll be going to visit Mickey while we are there! Tyson will love it! His favorite show, and mine too, is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Well, here's a look into our week! Hope you all had a great Halloween! And I hope everyone remembered the time change and wasn't an hour early this morning!

Our festivities started last Saturday when we went to Hunsader's Farm in Bradenton. We saw lots of animals, went on a hayride, saw a motorcylce show, etc.

Tyson was putting the pumpkin on Tyler's head and saying Party Hat! I have no idea where he got that, but Tyler seemed to enjoy it!

On Tuesday evening, we carved pumpkins at Mimi and Pa's. They had bought a pumpkin for Tyson and one for Abby up in North Carolina. I don't know how you all carve pumpkins, but my dad has always used power tools to do ours. We've had some pretty amazing ones over the years!

On Wednesday, we were supposed to go to Awana's at church, but my little guys were too sick to go. So, just Dorothy went. Isn't she the most perfect Dorothy you have ever seen?! Toto's not too perfect. Was Toto red?

On Thursday, the boys and I met Abby and her class at a local pumpkin patch. We picked out a really cool pumpkin. It had bumps all over it! Tyson and I loved it. Derek, not so much. He said it had zits. I thought it was so neat because it had character. Then we went with Abby's class to the park to play and have lunch. Aunt Beth packed us a great lunch. We had a lot of fun!

On Friday, we carved our pumpkin with Derek. Tyler joined in the fun this time. He was too sick on Tuesday to help. I traced Tyson's hands for our Jack!

After we were done with that, we got ready and headed up to Venice to trick or treat at Aunt Kristyn's office. Her face was painted like a kitty cat.

Then we went to Derek's grandma and grandpa's house to trick or treat.

We headed back down to Port Charlotte after that. We picked Abby up and went home to take a quick nap before heading out again for the night. Dad came over and rode with us up to Sarasota to grandma and grandpa Sommers'. Aunt Kristyn met us there. Tyson couldn't wait to get one of grandma's cookies!

And our last stop of the night was grammy's house. My mom was waiting there for us with some delicious pizza! This has been our tradition for 3 years! We go see all the great grandparents!

I didn't get a good picture of my Wizard of Oz group. I'm going to get them into their outfits again next week. So, keep an eye out for Dorothy, the Lion, and the Tin Man!