Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Sales person at Express, Limited, & Ann Taylor
2. Personal Trainer
3. Assistant @ South Biscayne Church before Derek & I started dating (We worked together!)
Three people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Mom
2. Kristyn
3. Summer
My favorite foods:
1. Custard pie (My dad's secret recipe)
2. The spinach, strawberry, kiwi, maccadamia nut salad my sister makes me for my birthday
3. Roast baked in the oven with carrots and potatoes (my mom makes this for me a lot)
Three places I've lived (since high school):
1. Lynchburg, VA
2. Raleigh, NC
3. Venice, FL
Three shows that I watch:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
2. Dora
3. Diego
My list used to read:
1. House
2. CSI
3. Reba
Three places I'd rather be right now:
1. Anyplace with Derek and Without my kids for a few days!
2. Is "sane" a place?
3. Shopping with my mom and sister With a whole bunch of money!
Things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Tyler being a more content baby
2. My anti-stress medication kicking in that I started last week
3. Christmas
Three things I dread having to do:
1. Cleaning the kitchen every day (my next house is going to be built without one)
2. Watch my Tyson grow up so fast
3. Digging something disgusting out of Tyler's mouth for the hundreth time
Three things I love to do:
1. Take beautiful pics of my kids
2. Make crafty things
3. Shop
1 comment:
I have enjoyed reading your blog! The boys are so cute, but much needed rest is on the way! I will be sending out my blog swap to you tommorow! Sorry I am a couple days late getting it out. I hope you enjoy!
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