These are actual events from my life. Please feel free to laugh or cry, I do!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

God made sleep...and it was good!

Sweet Baby Tyler slept in his own room for the 1st time last night. I've been putting it off because he gets up to nurse at about 6 in the morning and I didn't want to have to trek across the house, because our house is a mansion and huge ya know! He is a morning person. So, I have to brake him of that and thought him being in his own room would help. No child of mine can be a morning person! I refuse to get up before 8:30am. So I heard Tyler crying at about 5:45 and went across the house and nursed him. I put him back to bed and didn't get up until 8:50 when my dad called. I couldn't believe it! Sleep, Glorious Sleep!!!! I don't know if he woke up and was crying and I just didn't hear him or if he just miraculously slept. He usually goes back to bed until about 7 or 8 and then he's bright eyed and bushy tailed. I on the other hand am ticked that he's up so early. He didn't get up until 10:15 this morning. I kept going in and checking on him to make sure he was ok. Hopefully we have found a new way of life! Tyson has always been a wonderful sleeper. He was getting up between 8:30 and 9am before we moved. When we moved to our new house, he got a new big boy bed and stared coming in my room around 8. I was very upset about that. I had Derek go to Home Depot and get those pull down blinds that block the sun, which Tyson has had his whole life. That made a huge difference. He didn't get up until 9:15 today! Thank you Jesus!!! My life is back on track!!!!

1 comment:

Denise said...

You're funny. I happy if my kids sleep until 7:15.

And, by the way, as far as a reply to your comment, to mine comment(confusing), in the post below. You are still a good mommy. I have a digital camera that can take video too, as well as video camera that can take still pictures. But, you are still capturing much more then me.