WOW! I love it! The apron is totally me! And I just commented on someone else's blog that I need some of those spatulas and low and behold, look what I got! And that big one, well can you believe how awesome that is. It will double nicely as Mr. DoRight. Watch out my sweet little angels, mama's got a new spanking device! No, I'm just kidding, my children are PERFECT! They will LOVE the heart shaped pancakes I'm going to whip up on V-day in my new apron. Thank you sooooo much Glenda! I absolutely loved it all!
And for all of you asking, Are those guitars on her shirt? And is there a red stripe in her hair? Yes, both are correct. We got RockBand 2 for Christmas and I am now a Rock Star. So if I don't answer the phone when you call, you might think I'm changing a dirty diaper, doing educational crafts with my children, reading them books or feeding them, but really I'm on tour in my living room rockin out. Don't judge me until you've played!
I have added a poll to the right. Please vote on what color I should have done with my hair on Friday. I love having something different done with it!