Here's some of the not so good things that happened:
*The new car top carrier broke before we got out of Florida and we had to pull over on the side of 75 and put everything from the top into the van.
*My black flip flops that I was going to wear almost everyday, broke on the way up.
*Breakfast at the rest stop that was supposed to be wonderful, was horrible. We didn't bring everything we needed and the flies were so thick I couldn't see to eat my egg, off the skillet because we didn't bring plates.
*I apparently ran a red light in Georgia because there was a ticket with a picture of my van in the mail when we got home. We need those cameras at Veterans and 41!
*I left all my shower stuff in North Carolina on the way up to Ohio. Shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, deodorant, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, tweezers, and the boys shampoo and wash. And my jewelry except my wedding rings, Thank God!
Poor dad was introduced to hotel hell, Tyler's constant need to be held, and my need for major help. I was stressed because of the burden we were on him, but he says we weren't and he would do it all again, just give him a week to rest up first! All in all, the trip went well and was fun. I'm looking forward to our week in Orlando with Derek and our week in North Carolina with Derek. We miss him a lot! We got home Thursday and he got home Friday. He worked Saturday and left again Sunday. We're anxiously awaiting his arrival home on Friday. He is a wonderful husband and father. We couldn't do it without him! Well, I hope you like the pics!
The corn is doing well this year. Knee high by July!
Some of our Amish Family