These are actual events from my life. Please feel free to laugh or cry, I do!

Monday, March 30, 2009


This is how I found Tyler one day last month. He was crying because he couldn't get down off the box. He had opened one of my pens and colored his hands and mouth.

This is our little Orlando trip earlier this month for Youth Pastor Summit at Universal Studios. We left Tyler at home with Pa. We had a good time with Tyson. And we got to eat at the Cheesecake Factory!
Starbucks break.

Is my crack showing?
Cute pic of my cousin Abby.

Tyler sucking down Mate Ma's milkshake.

Tyson, Abby, and Maddison painting the walls.
Is he ever going to outgrow the baby doll stroller?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Box It Up!

Most of you know that I love crafting. I came across these cute boxes and picture frames on Inger's blog (she's new on my blog list if you want to check her out). I think she may have gotten the idea from another blogger. It's hard to trace the origan. Anyway, I thought they were so cute and looked fairly easy, so I went to Micheal's and got everything I needed to make one. I loved making it and embelishing it and decided to make more. I would love to make and sell them. I can personalize them to anything you want. Check out my etsy store! Here are a few pics.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Swiper no swiping!

So, I was reading Inger's blog, looking at all her pretty spring decorations and getting inspired to get mine out. I got up from the computer, went in the garage and brought some in only to find Tyler's latest mess. I can't take my eyes off that kid for a minute! He's bad, bad, bad! I guess it's my fault for not putting the latch back on the pantry door. It just frustrates me because we NEVER did any sort of baby proofing for Tyson. We just taught him not to touch things. Tyler's just not feelin it! Actually, he's feelin somthin, but it's not working. That kid! I'm just glad it was Oats and not something sticky! I'll just scoop those up and serve them for breakfast tomorrow! Just kidding!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mama wants her medicine!

Sorry I haven't written in so long! I haven't been feeling well. I've been nauseous, weird taste in my mouth, gained 10 lbs since January, I get so hot I feel like ripping my clothes off, tired, and more. You know what's worse than being pregnant and feeling crappy? Not being pregnant and feeling like you are! I haven't had a period since January 12. That would make me 9 weeks preg, if I were. But I'm apparently not. I went to the doc yesterday and he did an ultra sound and I'm not preg. He said my ovaries looked like they were on vacation. Derek asked if they left a note saying, Vacationing on the beach, wish you were here! He cracks himself up! I got some blood drawn for blood work. We'll see if that shows anything odd. My sister thinks my body is reacting like I'm preg because I haven't had a period in so long. That makes sense since my body is used to being preg. So here I sit with no coffee because it doesn't taste good. WHAT! Yeah, this 2 cup drinkin mama can't even drink one anymore. Now the other part to this problem is my medicine. Which I stopped taking a few weeks ago because I thought I was preg. Back in Nov. I went to the doctor with tons of stress and anxiety, mostly from Tyler, and not able to fall asleep for hours. She put me on Paxil and life was GRAND! I wasn't full of anxiety if my house wasn't spotless, Tyler didn't stress me to the point of yelling anymore, and I went to sleep when I hit the pillow! But when I didn't have my period and started having preg. symptoms, I weened myself off. So now not only do I have all those crappy preg. symptoms, but I also have the stress, anxiety, and I lay awake for hours at night scarred of every little noise. I was going to stay off the Paxil and try to get pregnant. But I think my sister was right when she said maybe this isn't God's timing for another baby. I think I'll start the medicine again!

I told you all this just in case someone needed a good laugh, or maybe someone has felt the same way and was too afraid to take medicine. Like for some reason if you love God, He should be enough for you and you shouldn't have to take medicine. Well, I love God, am a Christ follower, am a minister's wife, seek after God's will for my life, take my bible to the waiting room in the doctor's office and do my Beth Moore bible study, and I take Paxil! I don't in any way feel condemned by anyone, but I'm the type of person who wouldn't care anyway. But for all those out there who are afraid of being condemned, pray about it and don't worry about what other people think!

Sorry there's no cute pics of the kids! I'll update again soon!