These are actual events from my life. Please feel free to laugh or cry, I do!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The House That Cleans Itself

That's the title of the new book I'm reading. I got inspired by Denise Logan to buy Redeeming Love. This book has been recommended to me by several people over the years. And everyone that has read it before, eventually reads it again. I can't wait to start that one, but right now I'm reading about how to keep my house clean. It's great so far. I get very stressed if my house is cluttered, but I'm a perfectionist. So if I don't have time to do it perfect, I don't do it at all. And if I don't know what to do with things, I don't do anything. And if I'm overwhelmed and don't know where to start, I don't. And then I'm so stressed because my house is a mess that I can't stand to be there. Does anyone else have this anxiety problem besides me? Well you'll be happy to know, I got help! Derek's grandma came over and helped me tackle my house a couple weeks ago. She made us empty boxes and find homes for things and she cleaned. It was wonderful! And can you believe she came back last week to tackle the garage?! I can actually park in there!!! I feel like a new women! I am happier at home, and it is easier to keep it clean. And this book I'm reading is only going to make it even better! I would recommend it to all you moms out there that don't have time to clean your whole house at once and don't really have a plan either. The author is Mindy Starns Clark. has the best price on it, I think. And shipping at Overstock is only $2.95 no matter how much you order! It's great! I'll keep you updated as I read. We took Tyson bowling a couple weeks ago. We had fun! On the way there, we asked him what color ball he wanted. He said orange like his shirt. When we got there, we asked the guy behind the counter for a childs ball and he handed us an orange ball! Tyson was thrilled! Here's some pics. Look at those cute little shoes!! Sorry about the video. I couldn't figure out how to turn it.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Is it just me or is he the cutest little guy in the world?