These are actual events from my life. Please feel free to laugh or cry, I do!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Trip to the Hospital

I was sitting at my mom & dad's house today, waiting for Derek to call on his way home from church. Ring, Ring. Finally, it's Derek calling. No, it's Najla, on Derek's phone. She said, "Hi Ang, I don't want to alarm you, but Derek's hurt and we're taking him to the hospital. He's ok. He hurt his leg." So, I'm thrilled that it's nothing serious, but I'm not thrilled that I have to go to the hospital looking like I do. I didn't shower yesterday because we went out to Boca Grande to swim with Abby at their vacation house. And I hadn't showered today yet because we were in mom and dad's pool all morning. I didn't smell, but I never would have stepped foot out of the house like that. So, I had to pull myself together, borrow some of my mom's clothes and go. No makeup, no shower, the sports bra I came over in, a tee shirt and moms jeans. It's ok, it's just going to be Derek and people I don't know. Or maybe not! Pastor John rode with Derek in the ambulance and Dan, another minister on staff, met them there. I didn't even try to explain why I looked so bad. I'm sure they didn't care! But I did! Anyway, back to Derek. It's not all about me! The church had back to school night last night. They gave away over 600 backpacks with school supplies and t shirts in them and still didn't have enough! They gave about 300 free haircuts and lots of free food. It's wonderful being a part of such an awesome church that God uses for His outreach. All that to say, Derek was moving the big salon chairs and the heavy bottom pedestal part fell off and hit his leg. The scary part, so I hear, was when he turned white and started sweating. They x-rayed it at the hospital and it's not broken. He got some pain meds and I took him home. He's doing well. Don't think I didn't get some pics for the blog! Here's some pics of yesterday in Boca and today at the hospital.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Oh Lordy!That looks and sounds painful.Poor Derek.