These are actual events from my life. Please feel free to laugh or cry, I do!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Silent but Deadly!

On Monday's I take my 5 year old cousin to the Y for gymnastics while my dad watches the boys for me. Well, he's out of town so I had to take them with me. Let me just say, NEVER AGAIN! I'm sure many of you know how small the waiting room is that you watch your sweet little one do their best to roll, swing, jump, balance, pay attention, etc. There are never enough chairs for everyone, so many parents are standing or sitting on the floor. Just crammed in like sardines! So, Tyson is standing in front of me and says, "I tooted." I said excuse you and then something hit me like a ton of bricks. His toots smell like something has died up there and sat for days. You really can't even use the word toot for them because they are way worse than a toot. I knew that everyone around me was about to get hit with it too. I saw the lady sitting next to me turn her head and start gasping for breathable air. I was sooo embarrassed! I think he did it 2 more times while we were there. As if that wasn't enough torture, he had to go to the bathroom. Have you ever tried to hold a 10 month old and help a 2 year old go to the bathroom without letting him or yourself touch any of the germ infested things in a yucky public bathroom? I was practically crying. While I was trying to take his pants and underwear down, Tyler was leaning out of my arms eating the toilet paper. I almost lost it. Has anyone come up with a good strategy for this situation? If so, please share it with me. I guess I could have asked one of the many strangers in the room to hold my baby for me while I took my 2 year old to the bathroom. No, too risky. Maybe next time I'll just take him outside and let him pee in the grass.


Denise said...

Funny Angela. I have been there a few times.

Just this past week at my Dr. appointment, Margaux was playing IN the toilet while the nurse was talking to me as I was trying to go into the bathroom. Nasty! All I could do is pick up Margaux and wash her hands and arms. If Danny knew he would DIE!

Mimi said...

Very funny! I laughed out loud reading your blog today. I wondered why you looked so funny yesterday when I aske how gymnastics went. What a sweat little manchild Tyson is. I feel kinda bad for his future wife.

Mimi said...

PS - I think the pee outside in the grass is a great idea. Much safer than any public restroom and he loves to pee outside.

Brandy said...

Don't pee outside-it's illegal.You know the thing you hang your purse on?You can hang your baby on it too.Hahaha!Just kidding.Your body was meant to fight off germs-just wash his hands good.I didn't have mine that close but I have been in that situation with my niece.I would ask a mom to hold the baby.But thats just me!

Mimi said...

Have you jogged today? Who is better at accountability than Mom?

Angela said...

Yes, I left Tyson in charge of Tyler and went jogging. I prayed that they would be ok, the whole time I jogged. Did I forget to mention that along with accountability, I need a babysitter?

Heather said...

I would suggest bringing the stroller to sit Tyler in. I can't stand public bathrooms they always want to touch everything.