These are actual events from my life. Please feel free to laugh or cry, I do!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Love Dare

**Update to Love Dare Post
It's not like a book you sit down and read for long periods of time. It's more like a daily devotion. They are only one or two page devotions with a dare at the end and room for journaling. It shouldn't take very much time. 7 girls have already responded with yeses! I'm excited!
Remember the movie premier Derek and I went to last week? Fireproof. It was a great movie! It comes out Friday, September 26th. The movie is about a husband and wife that just can't seem to make their marriage work. She files for divorce. His dad asks him to take The Love Dare before signing the papers. The Love Dare is a 40 day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. It dares you to do things that you probably did when you were dating and you probably have let them fall to the wayside in your marriage. Whether your marriage is hanging on by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare will help you learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. Will you take the dare with me? I went up to Sarasota yesterday and bought 5 books. I was hoping that some of you would take the dare with me. I am going to start it without telling Derek and see how long it takes him to ask What's going on? Poor Derek! He'll probably know somethings up the first day. I didn't tell him I bought the book, so please don't mention it to him. I will post some of my stories that happen because of the book and would love to hear some of yours too! Let me know asap if you want a book. They are normally $14.99. They were on special yesterday for $11.97 + tax = $12.81 I'm going to wait to start it with whoever wants to do it. I can always go get more books if I need to. I think this will sweep the nation after the movie comes out. I'm very excited to take the dare and also to have it later to give to someone else who really needs it! You can email me at or leave a comment on my blog if you want one! Show your man how much he means to you, take the dare!!!


Brandy said...

I would love to read it with you.What's the book called?
Loved hanging out the other day.Let's do it again.

Denise said...

I would also love to do it, but I am in the middle of two books right now. One is a Beth Moore study and the other is a Francine Rivers book. I am trying to just find some ME time to finish them.

Please post your stories about your Dare! It will be interesting.

Robin said...

I'm in! Just let me know the details!

Robin said...

Hey! Derek gave me the book this morning...I owe you some money! Tricia is interested too. I'm excited!

Beginner blogger do I put the list of "fellow bloggers" on my sidebar? I don't know what I'm doing! I'm sure mine and Josh's moms are the only ones who read it anyway, but I'm trying to get some of my friends into it!

Have plans on Friday? Want to get the babies together?

Angela said...

Hey Robin! I'm so glad your going to do Love Dare with me! So far, it's you, Tricia, Christy Roberts, Brandy, and my mom. Don't start yet! I want to make sure everyone that wants to, has a book. Pass the word around, please. I couldn't find my list of emails. And yes, Derek found out about the book. He is such a snoop! He had already looked all over PC for a copy and couldn't find one.

Ok, go to Customize on the top right of your blog
go to Add a gadget on the right
and click on Blog List
It's easy from there! I'll let you know about Friday. We might leave for vacation on Thursday night.

Angela said...

And Robin, more people probably look at your blog than you know. In the past 7 days, 73 unique visitors have looked at my blog, but only 5 people comment! Just keep blogging and you'll see results later! Sign all your Thank You cards with your blog address, too!

Robin said...

Thanks Ang! Where are yall going on vaca?

sara said...

Do you have anymore books Angela? I want to start this too. If not I'll have to hit the bookstore this week. Thanks for posting about it. I have never heard of it before

Angela said...

Hey Sara! Are you going to be in Sarasota this week? I have only been able to find it up there at Living Word off Fruitville. My mom works around the corner from there and can pick more books up if you're not planning on being up there. Let me know! I'm glad you are going to do it with us!

sara said...

That's alright Angela, I'll just order it online. Thanks though!

Angela said...

Ok Sara. I just looked and I think it's the cheapest on Overstock. It wasn't available online last week! Let me know when you get it. We aren't going to start until everyone is ready.

Someone asked if we are going to have meetings. No, this is for you to do for your husbands. And if you have a good story to share from it, post it on the blog. I just thought it would be fun to do at the same time as a bunch of other girls! Can you imagine all the happy guys in PC as we're doing it?

sara said...

Thanks Angela. I just ordered it but please go ahead and start. You all don't have to wait for me.

Angela said...

We're waiting on others to get their books too. I'll post the starting date, if you want to follow that. You don't have to.